You’ve worked hard to get your child accustomed to brushing their teeth. Starting when they were young, creating a regular brushing routine each day, helping them brush in circles on their teeth, and even showing them how to do it well by brushing your teeth in front of them. But, one day, all this work may feel fruitless if your child kicks up a fuss every time it’s time to brush their teeth!
When things get tough, try and mix up your routine and play a game with your child to encourage them to brush. Just a simple, fun game can help take the battle out of brushing and can empower your child to keep their teeth clean and healthy on their own!
Fight Cavity Monsters
While you may be focused on getting your child to brush their teeth, have you thought, instead, about turning your kid into a superhero that must battle the cavity monsters? Explain to your child why they need to brush their teeth and that they can do their part to protect their teeth from the cavity monsters by brushing twice each day!
When toothbrush time comes, have your child don their cape or wear their fighting armor as they use their powerful toothbrushes to fight off the evil that is trying to harm their teeth!
To make this more meaningful, get your child involved in the process of selecting protection. Let them choose their toothbrush and try different “superpower” toothpaste brands. They’re sure to get into the swing of battling the enemy with their chosen superhero supplies!
Brushing Calendar
As with creating most good habits, positive reinforcement goes a long way!
- At the start of each month, create a calendar grid and have your child decorate the month. You can use a scrap piece of cardboard or a dry erase board that you just wipe clean for the start of each month. Or buy an inexpensive calendar that features your child’s favorite TV or movie characters.
- Each day, put a star sticker, draw a star or add a check mark for how many times your child brushed their teeth. Brushing teeth matters so decide what the treat will be and after how many days. Maybe the reward is a toy, an outing to a movie, new sticker set or something else your child likes.
Have fun and, after the month is done, celebrate all those new brushing habits your child is learning!
Dance Away the Time
Remember, two minutes can seem like a long time to kids! If you’re having trouble getting your child to brush for long enough, consider adding music to your routine!
Choose one of your child’s favorite songs, maybe it’s a pop hit or a movie theme tune, and have it ready to play as your child brushes. Make sure you join in, too, and both of you dance while teeth are being cleaned!
There are several phone apps also available that play music your kids can brush to – even a Disney® Magic Timer App! Also consider adding a kitchen timer or stopwatch to the bathroom countertop to help your child see that two minutes really isn’t too long to brush!
Contact us to schedule your child’s next check up and cleaning! Like regular brushing, a regular check up is a sure way to keep cavities away and create a beautiful smile. We are here to help!