Top Oral Hygiene Tips to Keep Not Just Your Dental Health in Shape, but Your Overall Health Too
The state of our oral hygiene can provide insight into larger nutritional problems, infections, and even other health issues that may be affecting the entire body. While oral health provides a window into overall health, it may be something we take for granted.
With just a few oral hygiene tips, you can actively ensure you and your family’s oral health is the best it can be by keeping the decay away!
- Brush and floss every day – Make it a habit of brushing your teeth twice each day using a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste and floss at least once daily. Brushing and flossing remove plaque and bacteria from the surface and in between teeth. The bacteria in plaque changes the food and drinks you consume into acids that cause tooth decay!
- Visit the dentist regularly – Good oral health is important at every age, from an infant to the elderly. A regular checkup at the dentist is the best way to ensure decay is not growing and avoiding oral disease including gum disease. Problems can be identified early and any problems addressed as soon as they surface. It’s important to visit the dentist for a regular exam, a check for oral cancer or disease, and for a thorough cleaning.
- Drink fluoridated tap water – Fluoride is a mineral known to help strengthen teeth against decay and reverse decay that may be occurring on the surface enamel. Fluoride is added in small amounts to most public tap water. If you live in an area that doesn’t participate in water fluoridation, talk to us about other options to get the right amount of fluoride protection.
- Kick unhealthy habits – Stopping smoking of any tobacco products is a good way to improve your oral health, help keep your teeth white, and is good for your overall welfare. Smoking not only discolors teeth and may lead you to bad breath, but it also inflames the salivary glands in your mouth. Salivation is critical to fight off bacteria, keep your breath fresher, and help you consume food.
- Seal out trouble – Because the teeth have grooves and pockets, it can be a challenge to brush away food and debris, especially for children. Protective sealants are a thin, clear coating that can quickly, easily, and painlessly be applied by the dentist. Sealants guard these pits and grooves and can significantly reduce cavities.
- Limit snacking – Snacking between meals and consuming sugary foods and drinks is a major contributor to tooth decay. Once eaten, the sugar in foods serve as nourishment for the bacteria in your mouth. The sugar feeds the bacteria which then releases acids that attack teeth and cause decay. Less sugar can help you have a healthier mouth!
- Guard your mouth – Sports mouth guards are available to help protect children and adults from potential mouth injuries from playing sports. Night guards are also offered that protect teeth from grinding or clenching at night. Both mouth guard types can be made so they are a custom fit to your mouth, which offers increased comfort and effectiveness. Avoid potential problems by protecting your teeth!
In addition to a beautiful, long-lasting smile, using the above healthy oral hygiene tips can help prevent decay, limit dental problems, aid in keeping your natural teeth and make you feel great. Try these simple dental health tips, and you’ll be smiling in no time!